How to set WPF ScrollViewer VerticalOffset and Horizontal offset

Today I needed to bind to the ScrolViewer VerticalOffset and Horizontal offset to do an animation for them. Yet unfortunately you cannot do this. In order to set these properties you need to use the ScrollToVerticalOffset or ScrollToHorizontalOffset methods :S This is not very good because it means you cannot do DataBinding or animate these properties….

Well as usual I resorted to  Attached Behaviour. Basically I created 2 attached properties one for HorizontalOffset and one for VerticalOffset. These properties just call the methods ScrollToVerticalOffset or ScrollToHorizontalOffset inside the property changed handlers… yep it’s as simple as that… Here is the attached behaviour class

   1: public class ScrollViewerUtilities

   2: {

   3:     #region HorizontalOffset


   5:     /// <summary>

   6:     /// HorizontalOffset Attached Dependency Property

   7:     /// </summary>

   8:     public static readonly DependencyProperty HorizontalOffsetProperty =

   9:         DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("HorizontalOffset", typeof(double), typeof(ScrollViewerUtilities),

  10:             new FrameworkPropertyMetadata((double)0.0,

  11:                 new PropertyChangedCallback(OnHorizontalOffsetChanged)));


  13:     /// <summary>

  14:     /// Gets the HorizontalOffset property.  This dependency property 

  15:     /// indicates ....

  16:     /// </summary>

  17:     public static double GetHorizontalOffset(DependencyObject d)

  18:     {

  19:         return (double)d.GetValue(HorizontalOffsetProperty);

  20:     }


  22:     /// <summary>

  23:     /// Sets the HorizontalOffset property.  This dependency property 

  24:     /// indicates ....

  25:     /// </summary>

  26:     public static void SetHorizontalOffset(DependencyObject d, double value)

  27:     {

  28:         d.SetValue(HorizontalOffsetProperty, value);

  29:     }


  31:     /// <summary>

  32:     /// Handles changes to the HorizontalOffset property.

  33:     /// </summary>

  34:     private static void OnHorizontalOffsetChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

  35:     {

  36:         var viewer = (ScrollViewer)d;

  37:         viewer.ScrollToHorizontalOffset((double)e.NewValue);

  38:     }


  40:     #endregion


  42:     #region VerticalOffset


  44:     /// <summary>

  45:     /// VerticalOffset Attached Dependency Property

  46:     /// </summary>

  47:     public static readonly DependencyProperty VerticalOffsetProperty =

  48:         DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("VerticalOffset", typeof(double), typeof(ScrollViewerUtilities),

  49:             new FrameworkPropertyMetadata((double)0.0,

  50:                 new PropertyChangedCallback(OnVerticalOffsetChanged)));


  52:     /// <summary>

  53:     /// Gets the VerticalOffset property.  This dependency property 

  54:     /// indicates ....

  55:     /// </summary>

  56:     public static double GetVerticalOffset(DependencyObject d)

  57:     {

  58:         return (double)d.GetValue(VerticalOffsetProperty);

  59:     }


  61:     /// <summary>

  62:     /// Sets the VerticalOffset property.  This dependency property 

  63:     /// indicates ....

  64:     /// </summary>

  65:     public static void SetVerticalOffset(DependencyObject d, double value)

  66:     {

  67:         d.SetValue(VerticalOffsetProperty, value);

  68:     }


  70:     /// <summary>

  71:     /// Handles changes to the VerticalOffset property.

  72:     /// </summary>

  73:     private static void OnVerticalOffsetChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

  74:     {

  75:         var viewer = (ScrollViewer)d;

  76:         viewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset((double)e.NewValue);

  77:     }


  79:     #endregion


  81: }

and here is XAMl of how I use this

   1: <Grid>

   2:     <Grid.RowDefinitions>

   3:         <RowDefinition />

   4:         <RowDefinition Height="100"/>

   5:     </Grid.RowDefinitions>

   6:     <ScrollViewer x:Name="scrollViewer" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible"  >

   7:         <Border Width="9000" Height="9000"/> 

   8:     </ScrollViewer>


  10:     <StackPanel Grid.Row="1">

  11:         <WrapPanel>

  12:             <TextBlock Text="Slider for horizontal: Value:" Margin="0,0,10,0"/>    

  13:             <TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=scrollViewer, Path=HorizontalOffset}"/>

  14:         </WrapPanel>

  15:         <Slider Value="{Binding ElementName=scrollViewer, Path=(local:ScrollViewerUtilities.HorizontalOffset)}" 

  16:                 Minimum="0" Maximum="9000"/>

  17:         <WrapPanel>

  18:             <TextBlock Text="Slider for vertical: Value:" Margin="0,0,10,0"/>

  19:             <TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=scrollViewer, Path=VerticalOffset}"/>

  20:         </WrapPanel>

  21:         <Slider Value="{Binding ElementName=scrollViewer, Path=(local:ScrollViewerUtilities.VerticalOffset)}" 

  22:                 Minimum="0" Maximum="9000"/>


  24:         <WrapPanel>

  25:             <TextBlock Text="Animate scroll" Margin="0,0,10,0"/>

  26:             <Button Content="Do it">

  27:                 <Button.Triggers>

  28:                     <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Button.Click">

  29:                         <BeginStoryboard>

  30:                             <Storyboard>

  31:                                 <DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="scrollViewer" 

  32:                                          Storyboard.TargetProperty="(local:ScrollViewerUtilities.VerticalOffset)"

  33:                                          Duration="0:0:1" DecelerationRatio="1.0" To="8000"/>

  34:                             </Storyboard>

  35:                         </BeginStoryboard>

  36:                     </EventTrigger>

  37:                 </Button.Triggers>

  38:             </Button>

  39:         </WrapPanel>

  40:     </StackPanel>

  41: </Grid>

Download the sample app I built for this…

8 thoughts on “How to set WPF ScrollViewer VerticalOffset and Horizontal offset

  1. Pingback: Dew Drop – September 15, 2009 | Alvin Ashcraft's Morning Dew

  2. Pingback: Arjan’s World » LINKBLOG for Sep 15, 2009

  3. Thanks. Great work.
    I have just used the ScrollViewerUtilities class as it is in my main form. I have controlled movement of a scrollviewer from another one by the following.

    private void ScrollViewer_ScrollChanged(object sender, ScrollChangedEventArgs e)
    ScrollViewerUtilities.SetVerticalOffset(scrollVert, cnvScroll.ContentVerticalOffset);
    ScrollViewerUtilities.SetHorizontalOffset(scrollHori, cnvScroll.ContentHorizontalOffset);

  4. Halp!

    I tried this, to bind one ScrollViewer’s horizontal offset to another’s.
    And I get the following:

    The property ‘ScrollViewer.HorizontalOffset’ cannot be set because it does not have an accessible set accessor.

    ‘HorizontalOffset’ property was registered as read-only and cannot be modified without an authorization key.

    Any ideas?

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