Windows 8 thoughts after a day at BUILD 2011

First impression can only be described with one “word”; WOW!!!

So Microsoft unveiled how they are planning to change the world. Why such a big statement? Am I exaggerating? I believe I am not. We live in a world of desktops and laptops today; yea we see some tablets that introduce touch but is it mainstream? are there a replacement to your desktop/laptop? I guess the answer is, No it is not, in order to do such a radical change you need to “push” hardware manufactures into producing these devices mainstream. mmm I wonder who could be that company that can have such an influence? By committing to touch and in fact developing Windows as a touch-first operating system, Microsoft will drive hardware manufactures to give us the touch devices and change how we interact with software today. And yes this is what has been announced at BUILD.

What does touch mean to us? We need to change our way of looking at software, it will not be OK to just have buttons and textboxes; it will not be ok to press a button and your app stalls. Touch is a much more direct way for a user to interact with your application and if one disregards this then that application is destined for failure. I really enjoyed the keynote session from Jensen Harris. He talked about the user experience and how us developers have to embrace the new ideas and concepts coming with Metro style apps. He talked about how Windows 8 is alive, how Windows 8 is personal. These 2 factors create (and yes you might think I am crazy but still I will say it) an intimate relation between you and your device. Windows 8 gives you that “home” \ “friend” sort of feel.

Jensen also made a very good point about apps. Without apps what is Windows 8? without apps there would be no tiles, no tiles empty OS. Even when you look at Metro style apps, you can see how Windows is all about apps… Apps are now chrome-less, your app uses the stage that Windows 8 provides; your app is now the centre of attraction. Windows 8 will also introduce an App Store, this will make your application easier to be discovered and installed by users. App store is probably one of the biggest opportunities for us developers because it gives us a reach of millions of people that will be running Windows 8.

Ok so lets see at what we have till now… We have | 1. a new OS | 2. which is touch first | 3. and will bring new hardware | 4. and amazing new apps

This is all awesome, but let’s not miss the number 1. Its a new OS and with Windows 8 besides many new features (and yes there are many), new concepts are born. Features are very important but concepts are what really change how Windows 8 differentiate itself from other OSs.

One of the concepts Windows 8 brings is Contracts. These are different ways how you application can contribute to Windows; its a way how Windows opens up and let third party applications interact with each other. Some examples of contracts are the Picker contract, Search contract and Share contract.

Picker Contract is a way how you can register your app with Windows and start exposing your data to other applications to consume.

If your application implements the Picker contract whenever an open file dialog is started the user can choose files from your application just like it can choose a file from the hard disk. So for example facebook could have an app that implements the Picker contract and any other application / the user can pick a file from facebook just like it can pick a file from the file system.

Search Contract is a way how you can expose your data via the Search charm (charms are the right hand menu items in windows). If you implement the Search Contract then whenever the user executes a search from the search charm your app will be invoked to contribute to the search results. Think of this as 1 standard way how the user can search.

Share Contract is a way how you can share a piece of information from your application to another application. The application exposing the info would be the source and the application consuming the info would be the target. Imagine the share contract (which is a charm just like search contract) as a sophisticated clipboard. So for example let’s say you are in Paint and you draw something, if paint implements the source share contract it can expose the image you drew. The user can then click the Share charm and all apps that implement the target Share contract can use that data. Just like the screen shot below.

My personal favourites are the share and the picker because those 2 just add so much to Windows applications…. With these charms we can have applications that reuse each other and that can efficiently interact which each other seamlessly.

Besides these there are tons and tones of other features, not to mention tiles, notifications, surprisingly enough keyboard shortcuts, and many more…

Last but not least what about us developers? What is this new Windows Runtime everyone is talking about?
Well in this blog post I will not do a deep dive but here is a summary. Windows Runtime (or as they call it WinRT). WinRT is the API for Windows Metro Style application (aka Immersive apps). WinRT will support

XAML UI definition
– with C# / VB.Net
– with C++


HTML (with some custom attributes) UI definition
– with Javascript


WinRT is written in native code but it exposes the API with metadata files (under C:\windows\system32\WinMetadata) which is very similar to MSIL (in fact you can open these files in ILDASM) so that it can project the APIs to the other languages i.e. JS, C# and C++. Each language has a different runtime so C# still has a CLR running and JS has a runtime that I forgot its name, I think its WinJS  Smile You can also expose libraries to WinRT so that they can be consumed by another language (there is a new output type just like Class library but called MD library). For example you write a library in C++ and it can be consumed by C# or vice versa (or even JS). There are some rules for doing this such as collections must be of type IList<T> (in C#) etc…

WinRT is all about performance and making apps “fast and fluid”. In fact most of the WinRT API are expose Async. WinRT does not use GDI, it only uses DirectX for rendering.

All in all WinRT is something impressive, its what we UI developers where waiting for to build the next generation of applications… I will deep dive in WinRT very soon so stay tuned Smile


So what is really coming at out?? its not just another version of Windows, Its new hardware, New way of interacting with devices, a whole new set of amazing apps. For me, yes, that is enough to say, Windows 8 changes everything!

MEFedMVVM NavigationExtension


Most of the MEFedMVVM features so far were all around discoverability of ViewModels, yet when building MVVM application sometimes you want to also have a mechanism to discover and launch views. If we look at web development its all about resources sitting on a server and you can launch/load a specific resource via a URI (Unique Resource Identifier). This mechanism proved to be a very easy and scalable way of locating views and within a Web Page you can link to other pages very easily. When building WPF applications that are purely content based such a mechanism would really come in handy, and if you think about it MEFedMVVM is all about discoverability so why not support this scenario.

Since this is not really part of the core MEFedMVVM I created an extension that you can use to accomplish this, MEFedMVVM NavigationExtension.

MEFedMVVM.NavigationExtension support both WPF and Silverlight 4.


Enter MEFedMVVM Navigation Extensions

The idea is to be able to specify to a View that it can be located by a unique identifier (a string) and then you can have someway of launching that view and render it in some container/host. Something like this


And you make the view discoverable by decorating it with this attribute


As you can see in the figure above, there are 3 magic attached properties that are attached to the “Invoker”

  • NavigationExtensions.NavigateTo
    • Specify the unique identifier (string) to locate the view. I use a URI format but you can use whatever you like as long as its unique
  • NavigationExtensions.NavigationHost
    • Specify where you want the View to be rendered
  • NavigationExtensions.NavigationParameter
    • Specify a Parameter to be passed to the ViewModel of the View. The reason why the parameter is passed to its ViewModel is because if you are doing MVVM then your View has no need for parameters, its the ViewModel that needs the parameter(after all the ViewModel controls the logic). We will see how you can still cheat and do whatever you like at the end of the day, the parameter can be passed to the View.

So one might wonder how will my ViewModel receive the parameter. This is done by your ViewModel being set as DataContext of the View (if you are using MEFedMVVM to link the View to the ViewModel this happens automatically) and also your ViewModel has to implement the INavigationInfoSubscriber interface. This interface defines 1 method OnNavigationChanged which will pass along the parameter and also give you an instance of the INavigationManager responsible for starting the Navigation.




So till now we can

  1. Make a View discoverable by specifying a Unique Identifier
  2. Specify an Invoker and give it enough information on what to render and where to render it
  3. And also specify a parameter to be passed

This pretty much covers the bare basics, let’s get a better understanding of what is a Host and what is an Invoker before we deep dive in more complex scenarios.


Host and Invoker Deep Dive

When building the NavigationExtensions I wanted to make sure that you can create your own handlers both for Hosts and Invokers, and what is the best way to do so if not with MEF Smile

There are 2 base classes you need to write in order to create your own handlers.

  • ControlNavigationHost
    • This is to create your own hosting control. Out of the box you get one which is ContentControlNavigationHost (it handles any ContentControl)
  • ControlNavigationHandler
    • This is to create your own invoker for a control. Out of the box you get one which is the ButtonNavigationHandler (it handles any ButtonBase)

The ControlNavigationHost has 4 methods that you need to implement (all method implementation would be usually one liners)


In order to make your own ControlNavigationHost discoverable by the NavigationExtensions simple Export it like this


The ControlNavigationHandler has 3 methods you need to implement


In the implementation you simple have to register to the Event you want and then call the OnEventFired protected method of the base class. here is an example


And again to make the handler discoverable you Export it like so


Please note: that its up to you how you want the creation policy to be (i.e. If MEF should create a new instance of the NavigationHandler or not but in this case you should always make it NonShared so that for each invoker in your application you have a different ControlNavigationHandler instance)

Apps are usually more complicated, so let’s dive into more complicated scenarios

Before we start going through these scenarios let’s have a look at some interfaces and classes that MEFedMVVM exposes for you to consume/implement




Implement this interface on a class that will be passed as NavigationParameter and you will get injected with a INavigationManager responsible for that Navigation



Implement this interface in your ViewModel to get passed the NavigationParameter.



A NavigationCommand is just a DelegateCommand<T> BUT it implements the INavigationManagerProvider interface. When used as a NavigationParameter it will hold the instance of the INavigationManager so that you can do things such as Closing a navigation. We will see the NavigationCommand<T> being used in the first scenario below.


Scenario 1

Let’s say you have a dialog that shows some settings and when you are done you want to get those settings back to the original ViewModel that “started” the navigation to the Settings screen. Here are a couple of screen shots for such a scenario.


In order to do this we need the MainViewModel to expose a NavigationCommand<T>


and the Execute handler for this would be something like this


We will revisit the code inside the Execute Handler in a bit**…

Now we can specify that the NavigationParameter is this command so that the SettingsViewModel can execute this command when it is done and give us the ApplicationSettings object instance.


The Settings ViewModel implements the INavigationInfoSubscriber thus it will get injected with the NavigationCommand that we are passing to it via the NavigationParameter attached property


Once the Settings ViewModel calls the Execute on the _onSettingChangedCommand it will invoke the method inside the MainViewModel (OnSettingChangedExecuted) passing the new ApplicationSettings.

**One thing to note is that the MainViewModel is also calling CloseNavigation on the NavigationManager of the NavigationCommand. This is so that as soon as its done applying the new settings the Settings screen disappears.

Download the sample and play around with it to get a better feel of how this all works together (its under Samples/TestNavigation)

Scenario 2

Let’s say you have a sort of Wizard Step by Step UI.


In this case we want to chain the Navigation so that the CreateUserProfileViewModel send the UserProfile not to the MainViewModel (the ViewModel that started the Navigation) but to the ViewModel next in the chain i.e. the RenderUserProfileViewModel.

In order to do so both “Invokers” (i.e. the button for the CreateUserProfile and the button for the RenderUserProfile) must have the same navigation “invoker”. You do so by explicitly setting the NavigationHander attached property (this is an attached property that exposes the Navigation handler for an “invoker”).


Ok so now we have both “invokers” using the same NavigationHandler; because of this we can register to the NavigatingAway event of the INavigationManager inside the CreateProfileViewModel and pass the data we want to the RenderUserProfileViewModel (which is the NewNavigationInfoSubsciber in the NavigationEventArgs passed by the event)


So basically the CreateUserProfileViewModel (Step 1) could pass along data to RenderUserProfileViewModel (Step 2) and you can continue chaining like this one step after another.

NOTE: For Silverlight you instead of using the NavigationExtensions.NavigationHandler use the NavigationExtensions.ChainToElement and specify the other button (this is because there are issues around binding to custom attached properties in SL). This approach can also be used in WPF.



Download the sample and play around with it to get a better feel of how this all works together (its under Samples/TestNavigation)


One thing I love about this Extension is that it enables you to use View-First approach to MVVM in nearly any scenario. Yes granted sometimes its better to have ViewModel-First approach but in my experience if you can always work using View-First life becomes much more easy because your code is more loosely coupled. In fact this is one of the things I love about MVC and Web in general… Controllers never reference each other, A View has a controller and thats it. In MVVM we tend to complicate things by having Parent ViewModels that have Child ViewModels yada yada yada… just my 2 cents…

This is all still work in progress, it needs more testing from my end to make sure there are no side effects such as memory leaks etc yet feel free to poke around and play around with it. As always feedback/bug reports are very welcome.

Download the code from

Mole a debug tool that rocks your world!

If you never tried it, then my question is how do you live with yourself Smile Mole is an awesome debug visualizer which you can use inspect any .Net object while you are debugging.

Mole also have some really cool WPF only features such as Visual tree and Logical tree visualization. You can search for a specific object in the object graph… I am not gonna say much more because all this info is already on the Mole site. Go and have a go with it….

Once you go Mole you never go back Smile

Mole 2010 by Molosoft

ICommand discovery with MEF

Sometimes you are in ViewModel X and you want to execute a command on ViewModel Y. You do not want to link the 2 because of some constrains that that might impose. How can you leverage MEFs capabilities to overcome such a situation?

Easy have the ViewModel Y expose the command as a property just like you would have it for binding from the View, but also add an Export attribute on the property and give it a name



Now from ViewModel X simple imports the ICommand by specifying that same name (yes you can have the string as a constant, also I would advice to use constants to avoid conflicts in strings)



MEF will automatically get the command from ViewModel Y into ViewModel X for you. This works very nicely with MEFedMVVM since MEFedMVVM resolves all ViewModels via MEF thus you do not need to do anything to resolve the ViewModel or anything. You simply decorate the properties for Export and Import and viola you can start drinking beer Smile

Happy coding Smile


Today I was looking at PRISM 4 and how it uses MEF as its DI Container and I thought, wouldn’t it be cool if you could use the 2 together?

Update: Please also check out this post to see how you can use the same composition container for both PRISM and MEFedMVVM so that stuff like IRegionManager, IEventAggregator etc can be injected also in MEFed ViewModels

Why would it be cool?

PRISM brings to the table

– Region Manager
– Modules infrastructure
– Many other utilities and services that you can consume

MEFedMVVM brings to the table

– ViewModel injection in XAML
– Design Time vs Runtime services (so that you can inject design time services when in blend)
– ContextAware services such as IVisualStateManager

Having the 2 working together would be awesome. The question is can they work together?

…teasing… suspense … ok enough Smile

The answer is yes and very easily…

How to do it

In PRISM you need to create a bootstrapper that will basically compose your application. MEFedMVVM also has a sort of Bootstrapper where you can specify how you want to compose the MEF composition. So as such all you need to do is to have your PRISM bootstrapper also tell MEFedMVVM how to do the composition.

Let’s start by creating a PRISM bootstrapper

We need a class that inherits from MefBootstrapper and we will need to override a couple of methods. Here is the code to do this

public class Bootstrapper : MefBootstrapper


    protected override void ConfigureAggregateCatalog()


        this.AggregateCatalog.Catalogs.Add(new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(Bootstrapper).Assembly));


    protected override void InitializeShell()



        Application.Current.MainWindow = (Shell)this.Shell;



    #region Overrides of Bootstrapper

    protected override DependencyObject CreateShell()


        return this.Container.GetExportedValue<Shell>();




Now lets enable MEFedMVVM

In order to do this we will simple need to implement the IComposer interface from MEFedMVVM and then return the AggregateCatalog property (that is given to us by PRISM)

#region Implementation of IComposer (For MEFedMVVM)

public ComposablePartCatalog InitializeContainer()


    //return the same catalog as the PRISM one

    return this.AggregateCatalog;


public IEnumerable<ExportProvider> GetCustomExportProviders()


    //In case you want some custom export providers

    return null;



In this case we will return null as the GetCustomExportProviders. This is a feature used if you have some custom ExportProvider you want MEFedMVVM to use.

The last step (which is the actual line of code to enable MEFedMVVM) is where we tell the MEFedMVVM LocatorBootstrapper to use this class as runtime composer.

protected override DependencyObject CreateShell()


    //init MEFedMVVM composed


    return this.Container.GetExportedValue<Shell>();


As you can see I have put that line of code in the CreateShell method so that the Composer is applied as early as possible so that all views can use MEFedMVVM.


Now you can start using MEFedMVVM as you would in a normal project… For example in the Shell you can say

<Window x:Class="MEFedMVVMAndPRISM.Shell"



        Title="Shell" Height="300" Width="300"



and the ShellViewModel would be


public class ShellViewModel


    public string Text { get; set; }

    public ShellViewModel()


        Text = "Hello from the ViewModel";



Of course here I am not really leveraging MEFedMVVM capabilities, yet the purpose of this post is not to show those capabilities but to show how you can use PRISM and MEFedMVVM together and take what is best from both. To read more on MEFedMVVM visit the codeplex site.

I create a small sample project to showcase both PRISM and MEFedMVVM working together.

Download sample


Making a generic UpdateSourceTrigger for PropertyChanged in Silverlight

In my previous post I explained how Silverlight 4 lacks the UpdateSourceTrigger for PropertyChanged. I focused on how you can overcome this issue for one of the biggest use cases, which is the TextBox.

In this post I will show how one can do this for any Dependency Property of any Framework element. Please note that this post is quite an experimental one. Probably the use case you are looking for is for the textbox scenario, if that is the case I would suggest that you use the more explicit approach i.e the one I show in my previous post. The take away from this post should be more the idea of how things work rather than the actual code I am using here, this code was never tested in production thus it might contain memory leaks and other issues.

The key for updating the binding when a property changes is to actually know when the property has changed and then force the binding to update the source. In WPF there are multiple ways of doing this, one of which is to use the DependencyPropertyDescriptor class. This class allows you to hook an event handler for when the specified property has changed. Unfortunately in Silverlight there is no DependencyPropertyDescriptor class thus one has to resort to some ninja trick Smile After doing some internet crawling I found an interesting approach using attached property creating and hooking to the property changed. The idea is that you create an attached property and you bind the newly created attached property to the property that is consuming the binding.

Let’s dig a bit deeper

Let’s say you have the following binding

<TextBox Text=”{Binding SomeText, Mode=TwoWay}”

The Text dependency property is consuming a binding and you want to update the source of the binding as soon as the property changes.

You create an attached property and you bind it to the Text property of that TextBox. This will get you notified when the text changes because when creating the attached property you can have a property changed handler. In the property changed handler you update the source of the binding.

You would create the attached property and the binding for notifications like so

// Create attached property

var listeningProperty = System.Windows.DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(

    "ListenAttached" + propertyName,



    new System.Windows.PropertyMetadata(OnPropertyChanged));

//Create a binding that will be updated when the property changes

var listeningBinding = new Binding(propertyName) { Source = element };



Ok so I showed how you can workaround the lack of DependencyPropertyDescriptor in Silverlight for property changed notification, now how do we update the binding?

In order to do this we will need to get the instance of the Text Dependency Property. Unfortunately we will need to resort to reflection in order to get the instance of the Dependency property. We can do this by name

var propertyFieldInfo = frameworkElement.GetType().GetField(newPropertyName + "Property");

if (propertyFieldInfo == null)

    throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(

        "The property {0} does not exist in the element {1}. Make sure you specified the correct property.",

        newPropertyName, frameworkElement.GetType().FullName));

//Get the dependency property the binding is applied to

var property = (DependencyProperty)


As you can see I am attaching a string “Property” to the actual property name (in this case Text) when I try to get the dependency property by reflection. Even though in XAML you specify “Text” as the property name, the actual dependency property name is TextProperty (which is a coding standard for dependency properties), “Text” is how the property is registered to the framework.

So why did we need to get the actual instance of the Dependency property? We had to do this in order to get the Binding Expression so that we can force the binding expression to update the source of the binding with the new property value. This would look like this

_bindingExpression = element.GetBindingExpression(BoundProperty);

And to update the source (i.e in the property changed handler of the attached property) we would do this


How is this approach generic?

Well let’s see what we did in the “Dig Deeper” section.

– We are getting a dependency property by name

– We get the Binding Expression from that dependency property

– We create an attached property which will be our way of hooking to property changes of a specific dependency property.

mmm… So as such we can have 1 attached property of type string that will generate this hook and update the source for us. If we do this we would have something like this in our XAML

<TextBox Text=”{Binding SomeText, Mode=TwoWay}” local:UpdateSourceTrigger.PropertyName=”Text” />

Not great but not too bad, it will do the trick for now… So here is the code for the attached property (you have to download the sample project)… Its exactly what I explained in the section above.

Please note that I am creating the hook inside a separate class UpdateSourceTriggerProxy. I am doing that so that the operation is atomic and everytime you use this approach we have a different instance of UpdateSourceTriggerProxy doing the hook for updates and the actual update. The object instance we be kept alive because of the property changed delegate.

Download sample project here.

UpdateSourceTrigger PropertyChanged for Silverlight 4 Binding ?

Problem Definition

In Silverlight 4 there is no way out of the box to specify that a certain binding should update the source on PropertyChanged, the options for the UpdateSourceTrigger are LostFocus and Explicit.

These options are more or less what you really need for most scenarios, yet sometimes you want to have the ability to update the binding while a property is changing. A use case would be, you have a textbox and you want to apply some validations while the user is typing, maybe you enable a button if the text entered is correct or disable it if it is not correct.

Many times developers end up writing code behind in order to achieve this. Problem with this is that if you need it in multiple places you end up copying and pasting code for code behind. In this article I will show how one can workaround this problem by resorting to the mighty Attached Properties.

Using an Attached Property to workaround this problem

By using an attached property we can have the code to update the source on property changed. For this demo I will focus on how to make this work for a TextBox in Silverlight. In future posts I will show how you can have a generic way of dealing with this issue.

The attached property will give us the instance of the object the attached property is being applied to, with the reference of the object (in our case the TextBox) at hand we can hook to the TextChanged and update the binding. In order to update the binding you can use the GetBindingExpression method of the UI element. Then we can simple call the UpdateSource on the BindingExpression and viola the trick is done…

The Attached Property would look like this

using System.Windows;

using System.Windows.Controls;


namespace SilverlightUpdateSourceTrigger


    public class UpdateSourceTrigger


        #region TextChangeUpdateSourceTrigger


        /// <summary>

        /// TextChangeUpdateSourceTrigger Attached Dependency Property

        /// </summary>

        public static readonly DependencyProperty TextChangeUpdateSourceTriggerProperty =

            DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("TextChangeUpdateSourceTrigger", typeof(bool), typeof(UpdateSourceTrigger),

                new PropertyMetadata((bool)false,

                    new PropertyChangedCallback(OnTextChangeUpdateSourceTriggerChanged)));


        /// <summary>

        /// Gets the TextChangeUpdateSourceTrigger property. This dependency property 

        /// indicates ....

        /// </summary>

        public static bool GetTextChangeUpdateSourceTrigger(DependencyObject d)


            return (bool)d.GetValue(TextChangeUpdateSourceTriggerProperty);



        /// <summary>

        /// Sets the TextChangeUpdateSourceTrigger property. This dependency property 

        /// indicates ....

        /// </summary>

        public static void SetTextChangeUpdateSourceTrigger(DependencyObject d, bool value)


            d.SetValue(TextChangeUpdateSourceTriggerProperty, value);



        /// <summary>

        /// Handles changes to the TextChangeUpdateSourceTrigger property.

        /// </summary>

        private static void OnTextChangeUpdateSourceTriggerChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)


            TextBox textBox = d as TextBox;

            if (textBox == null)



            bool newTextChangeUpdateSourceTrigger = (bool)d.GetValue(TextChangeUpdateSourceTriggerProperty);


            if (newTextChangeUpdateSourceTrigger)

                textBox.TextChanged += OnTextChanged;


                textBox.TextChanged -= OnTextChanged;



        static void OnTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)


            TextBox textBox = sender as TextBox;

            var binding = textBox.GetBindingExpression(TextBox.TextProperty);







Enjoy and Happy XMAS Smile

Strong naming an assembly without having the actual source code

Today I had a blocking issue, I was in the process of Strong naming my assemblies yet I was referencing a third party assembly that was not strongly named. This cause a compilation error :S what to do????

A colleague David Field sent me 2 command line snippets that do just the thing…

Basically the idea is to use ILDASM.exe (which comes with .net SDK) to convert the dll to il and then use ILASM to make that IL badk into a dll and sign it. (please note you need an SNK file, you can create one easily with the sn.exe or just use one from the other assemblies you are signing)

the magic of ILDASM and ILASM >>

ildasm myassembly.dll /

where myassembly is the name of the DLL

and then we convert that IL back in a dll and sign it with ILASM

ilasm /dll /key=MyStringNameFile.snk

Hope you find this useful I sure did

Infusion Malta is looking for talents




I’ve been working for Infusion for over a year now and I must say, even though I complain a lot (yea I am one of those guys that complains and complains and complains), its truly an amazing place to work! You get to work on cool cutting edge technology projects and to top it off you get to work with awesome people (probably bigger Geeks than you!).

I love the fact that Infusion is open to new ideas, case in point “Infusion Malta”; I was talking to Managing Director of Infusion London and told him “what if we open an Infusion Malta?”, and here we are today 🙂
*P.S Malta is where I was born… more info on Malta can be found be goggling it 😛

So back to the original subject 😛 We are looking into building a small but efficient team in Malta, I call it Infusion SWAT team 🙂 We are looking for both developers and designers…

For Developers >>
1. You must be a Geek
2. Good C# skills
3. open to work on new technologies like Win Mob7 and Surface
3. Want to learn/work on WPF and Silverlight.
4. Willing to work with me 😛

For Designers >>
1. Good in Visual and Interactive design.
2. Want to learn/work on Expression Blend
3. Willing to work with those other strange people… yea I think they call them developers..

Hope I got you all excited and that you’ll send your CV to me at 🙂

see you in Malta 🙂

Adding more goodies in MEFedMVVM

Thanks to some good feedback from the community and also some really awesome help from Glenn Block and Sasha Barber, I added some new stuff to MEFedMVVM.

The core 3 additions are

– Reloading of design time data in Blend as you compile in Visual Studio (Patch by Chris Szabo)

      Before this patch you had to close and re open Blend everytime you did a change in your ViewModel for Blend to pick up this change. Chris Szabo sent me a code snippet showing me how I could overcome this issue. Very cool Chris!!!!!

– Added a new method in IComposer so that you can specify a list of custom ExportProviders.

      A user of Cinch suggested this feature since he had some ExportProvider he wanted to use in MEFedMVVM for versioning of objects. Now the IComposer has a new method that looks like this


You can return a list of ExportProviders or if you do not want to just return null. MEFedMVVM will attach its own ExportProvider even if you return null. (MEFedMVVM uses the ExportProvider for IContextAware services such as IVisualStateManager so that it can inject the View that requested the ViewModel)

– Added 2 new attached properties to make things more clear.

By default Exports in MEF are treated as Shared. This implies that if before you did an [ExportViewModel(“MyVM”] without specifying a [PartCreationPolicy(CreationPolicy.NonShared)] the ViewModel would be exported as a shared item so all imports get the same instance of the ViewModel. Also this implies that the ViewModel would never be garbage collected since MEF will keep its instance alive. The workaround for this would be to specify [PartCreationPolicy(CreationPolicy.NonShared)] where you put the ExportViewModel attribute. Once you know this its all good but if you are new to MEF maybe it is not that obvious that exports are by default Shared. So in order to make this crystal clear I added 2 new attached properties SharedViewModel and NonSharedViewModel, which will impose the CreationPolicy on the ViewModel you want to export (this is like doing the CreationPolicy on the Import if you were doing standard MEF). Glenn Block came up with this idea, kudos to Glenn!!!!


Besides these changes I also did some bug fixing here and there and some minor changes as per request …

– Export for ViewModel had an incorrect ImportCardinality. now the ImportCardinality is set to ExactlyOne.
– DataContextAware ViewModels used to call the DesignTimeInitialization 2 times, this is now fixed.
– Exposed the MEFedMVVM CompositionContainer, you can now access the CompositionContainer directly by doing this ViewModelRepoitory.Instance.Resolver.Container. This is useful if you want to get some Exported object from the CompositionContainer that MEFedMVVM is using.
– Fixed issue with ImportMany. This was a problem in the ExportProvider of MEFedMVVM.
– Added propertyObserver. you can see more about this here
– Fixed issue with DelegateCommand (was not hocking automatically to the CanExecute of the Command Manager in WPF)

Hope you enjoy MEFedMVVM and as always keep feedback coming !